Well I can't believe I tried to blame Bali for me feeling under the weather - it was nothing to do with the lovely Bali food, it was those bloody malaria tablets I'm taking. Apparently if you actually read the instructions it says never take them just before lying down and there was me taking them just before bed and wondering why I woke up feeling shit.
Bali food so far has been really good to us - more rice than I've ever eaten in my life but with beautiful flavors and mixed with fresh vegetables (and often some unidentifiable ingredients). We're trying to eat all the local stuff as much as possible, partly because we are poor and partly because it so far is the best food. Mostly it's a lucky dip of what we may get, especially when we get food from a little motorbike man, but as someone said to me last night - you probably won't know what it is and you probably won't want to know so just eat and enjoy. It's a big step for a semi vegetarian like me but, when in Rome and all that! Plus my main saving grace is that a lot of things that would traditionally be served with meat in get stuff with veggies or tofu because it's cheaper.
Bali coffee has been a god-send. It's sweet and strong and seen me through many a morning already! I mean I don't like to admit it but basically I'm a woos (I'm not sure if an official spelling for Woos exists or not so I'm going with this one), but I definitely am one, so early in the morning standing on some picture perfect sandy beach watching the curling waves and feeling a bit worse for wear, my first thought is less "I can't wait to get surfing" and more, "shit this looks big and scary and I need coffee before I can deal with this." Sitting viewing the beach from a little shady warung (which I'm pretty sure means restaurant) with some good strong Bali coffee makes the world just seem like a better place!
We're still surf camp geeks, going from surf spot to surf spot and getting just a little bit more damaged everyday. It is a lot of fun (especially with a couple of bali coffees in you to give a protective layer of invincibility). Brett started to write a blog 2 days ago after we'd been surfing, he got as far as the title and the following paragraph before getting distracted by more people to talk to:
Holy shit comes to mind, wave smashes over our heads, board and body everywhere. welcome to seminyak beach the place beginner surfers come to die, yup we were not quite ready for the ferocius wave that met us.
Incidentally Bali has turned Brett into some soft socialist hippie type which is usually my role in this relationship so I'm getting all confused. It's great because we keep chatting to Balinese people and making friends and learning more Indonesian but the more friends we make the more my stuff keeps disappearing because Brett gives it all away. I was searching through my bag today for my wee snacket of nuts only to turn around to see our driver munching into them and sipping on a coke that Brett also bought. I mean I think it's great and all but really he should know better than to mess with my food (Brett that is not the driver who was entirely innocent in the whole scenario).
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